Try the Quiz : Cooking, Wine & Food Quizzes : Chinese Food Quiz 1
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NOODLES | Noodles are thin strings of Chinese pasta in fresh or dried form. |
FRIED RICE | Fried rice is cooked rice stir-fried in hot oil with meat, eggs and vegetables. |
CHOP SUEY | Chopsuey is deep-fried crispy noodles served topped with stir-fried meat or vegetables and bean sprouts in a sauce. |
DIMSUM | Dimsum is a steamed stuffed bun served with dipping sauce as a starter. |
WONTON | Wonton is a thinly-rolled square sheet of dough stuffed with very little filling and deep-fried. |
CHOW MEIN | Chow Mein are noodles stir-fried in hot oil with vegetables or meat and eggs. |
FU YONG | Fu Yong (or Fu Yung) is a thick Chinese-style omelette stuffed with meat or vegetables and bean sprouts. |
SPRING ROLL | Spring roll is a thinly-rolled sheet of dough stuffed with vegetables or meat filling, rolled and deep-fried. |
CHINESE TEA | Chinese tea is a flavored clear tea made without milk or sugar served mostly with a meal. |
TOFFEE APPLE | Toffee apple is a Chinese dessert made by tossing batter-fried apple slices in caramelized sugar and white sesame seeds. |
Try the Quiz : Cooking, Wine & Food Quizzes : Chinese Food Quiz 1