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Complete Solution for Teachers

User's Guide

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Syvum offers great tools for teachers to help them enhance the learning experience of their students. If you are a teacher, you will find the features described below of great value. They are described in a step-wise manner to serve as a user's guide.

Step 1: Author Your Own Quizzes

Or use the ones we have created. Hundreds of topics are covered in our interactive learning material, ranging from reading and math for elementary school to preparation material for the GRE. However, you are not limited by Syvum's content offering. Our Web Authoring Kit allows you to author interactive and dynamic content of your own, including quizzes with fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions.

Step 2: Create Quiz/Activity Collections

As a Syvum member, you will be able to create Quiz or Activity Collections of your own, specifically for your students. You can create multiple quiz collections. To add an activity is as simple as going to that activity page on Syvum, and clicking on the "Add to quiz/activity collection" link. You can choose from the hundreds of dynamic quizzes on Syvum. You can also add helpful comments to each activity to help in use by the students. For example, a comment could be: "Homework for March 3, 2004." Your quiz collections are automatically saved on the Syvum web site for easy access by your students, from school or from home.

Step 3: Create Student Groups

You can create one or more student groups to represent the classes you are teaching. Creating student groups requires you to choose a user ID for each of of the students. The students then simply need to sign in as Syvum members to automatically gain access to the quiz collections you created in Step 2. It is easy to assign homework or practice material using the quiz collections.

Group membership accounts (Teacher + Students)

Step 4: View Grades

When your students attempt the activities and quizzes on Syvum, their scores will be saved in their profiles. The scores can then be viewed by the teacher, the students themselves, or their parents. You can view the score for all quizzes/activities in a collection for all students simultaneously at the single click of a button, or apply filters to view scores for particular activities and/or particular students. This information can be a useful guideline in the determination of the learning course for the students.

Step 5: Send Email to Students and/or their Parents

You can send emails to your entire class, or to selected students using this feature. It allows you to inform them of new quizzes that you may have added, or of any special instructions.

Using the Edit button on a student group, you can specify the email addresses of the parents/guardians. Once you have specified the email addresses, you can send emails to them, be it for informing them of the student's progress or anything else.

Easy to use

All these features are very easy to use, and are designed to provide teachers with the power to guide their students in their learning process. To try these features using Syvum's cutting edge technology, register as a member.

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