Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia |
Fun Quiz, Fanfiction & Trivia Games on Harry Potter Books, Movies, Characters, Actors, Spells, Pets, Magical Beasts & Hogwarts Houses
Free Online Quizzes for Kids, Teens & All 
Title |
| Harry Potter - Male Characters : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Identify the male character (in the Harry Potter book and movie series) based on the clue(s) given. info |
| Harry Potter - Female Characters : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Identify the female character (in the Harry Potter book and movie series) based on the clue(s) given. info |
| Harry Potter - Pets & Magical Beasts : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Identify the pets and magical beasts (in the Harry Potter book and movie series) based on the clue(s) given. info |
| Harry Potter - Spells I : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Given the description, name the Harry Potter spell and vice versa. info |
| Harry Potter - Spells II : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Given the description, name the Harry Potter spell and vice versa. info |
| Harry Potter - Birthdays of Characters : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Given the birthday, name the Harry Potter character and vice versa info |
| Harry Potter - Male Characters & Movie Actors : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Given the movie actor, name the character he played in the Harry Potter film(s) and vice versa. info |
| Harry Potter - Female Characters & Movie Actresses : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Given the movie actress, name the character she played in the Harry Potter film(s) and vice versa. info |
| Harry Potter - Books & Movies : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Answer multiple-choice question(s) on Harry Potter books and movies. info |
| Harry Potter - Hogwarts Four Houses I (General) : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Answer question(s) on Hogwarts four houses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw & Slytherin. info |
| Harry Potter - Hogwarts Four Houses II (Characters) : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia Given the character, identify which of the four Hogwarts houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin) he / she belongs to. info |