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Adventures in Aipotu
By Sanat Mohanty

Adventures in Aipotu: Episode 4

Questions For Discussion

  1. How would Damini know for sure whether she had grown smaller r the Eagle "Goldee" had grown larger? Suppose you are on a train at the station. You see another train moving. How do you know for sure whether it is your train that is moving and the other on is stationary or whether it is the other train that is moving or whether both the trains are moving at different speeds?
  2. Goldee said that, "The other groups had never moved out of their positions. Now, since they were forced to move to destroy those they thought the degenerates, they saw a perspective of the statue that they had never though existed. It will change them completely." Do you know friends or relatives who have changed because of their experience when they have traveled? Have your travels changed you? Why do people change when they travel?
  3. What are the values in your culture that you have grown up with? Do people tell you that 'Good boys' or 'Good girls' should not do something? Do these values influence how you react to other people or to specific situations?
  4. Have you seen how values change across generations? Do your parents and grandparents have similar values? What has changed? Why do you think such changes occur?
  5. Do you think there are good values and there are bad values? What, in your mind, are examples of good values and of bad values? What does Goldee mean when she says that Damini has begun to unlearn?
  6. Is it possible to analyze ones own values critically and decide whether one likes them or not? Is there a value that you hold dearly that you think you should? Is there a value that you think negatively affects how you behave with others?
  7. What are the various animals you have seen? What is the most unusual animal you have met? Do you have pets? Should people keep pets? How do pets affect people?
  8. Damini was not afraid of these animals. Are you afraid of animals? Some animals? What do you think causes you to be afraid of these animals? What do you think causes people to be afraid? Are you afraid of some people? Why? How does fear affect how you interact with them?
  9. Before she could find her voice, the man sitting next to her queried, "So now you understand?" "Only partly", Damini replied. What did Damini understand only partly?
  10. What would you ask for, if you met God? What would solve the Earth's problems?
  11. If you could do anything you wanted, what would you do to make Earth a better place to live?
  12. What are the potential problems of your wish in Questions 10 & 11?

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Adventures in Aipotu
By Sanat Mohanty


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