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Adventures in Aipotu
By Sanat Mohanty

Adventures in Aipotu -- Episode 2

Questions for Discussion

  1. When the butter-fly asks Damini where she is off to, Damini replies ``I do not know.'' The butter-fly answers ``Oh I go there quite often myself. And I just love it. I love the aimless wandering and the feeling of timelessness. Do you think I can ride with you?'' Do you go to a place called ``I do not know'' once in a while? Do you like it? Why do you think one might like visiting ``I do not know?''

  2. Why do you think a butterfly is called a butterfly? [Middle English butterflye, from Old English butorfleoge : butor, butere, butter; + fleoge, fly.] WORD HISTORY Is a butterfly named for the color of its excrement or because it was thought to steal butter? It is hard to imagine that anyone ever noticed the color of butterfly excrement or believed the insect capable of such theft. The first suggestion rests on the fact that an early Dutch name for the butterfly was boterschijte. The second is based on an old belief that the butterfly was really a larcenous witch in disguise.

  3. In the butter-singer's song, she mentions that they took their lady to the End of the Earth and pushed her off. Do you know whether the Earth has an end? Where is it?

  4. What are the clues that suggest to you that the Earth is spherical?

  5. What did you think of the butter-singer's song? What is she trying to say?

  6. Do you know how the moon was formed? Visit the folowing page to find out:

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Adventures in Aipotu
By Sanat Mohanty


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