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Spanish Translation Lesson 4
Meals - Spanish to English

Spanish Translation : Teach yourself Spanish through self-study lessons

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agua water
vino wine
jugo de naranja orange juice
huevo egg
tortilla omelet
sopa soup
sopa de tomate tomato soup
ensalada salad
ensalada verde green salad
vegetal vegetable
fruta/fruto fruit
pez fish
merluza hake
arroz rice
pizza pizza
pan bread
tarta cake
helado ice cream
café coffee
tostada toast
agua mineral mineral water
postre dessert
azúcar sugar
cebolla onion
patata potato
comer to eat
amar to love
preferir to prefer
mañana morning
tarde afternoon/evening
noche late evening/night
mediodía midday/noon
desayuno breakfast
almuerzo/comida lunch
cena dinner
señor gentleman, Mr.
señora madam, Mrs.
tuyo/vuestro yours
cuchara spoon
cuchillo knife
servilleta napkin
pero but
without sin
seguro sure
un poco some
a la plancha grilled
para beber to drink
botella bottle
especial special
cuenta bill
buen provecha bon appetit

SpanishEnglish translation (equivalent)
Pablo:Buenos días. Good morning.
Waiter:Buenos días, señor Pablo.
¿Qué van a tomar de desayuno?
Good morning, Mr. Pablo.
What are you going to have for breakfast?
Pablo:Querría un tortilla y un poco tostada, por favor. I'd like an omelet and some toast, please.
Waiter:¿Y un poco café para beber señor Pablo? And some coffee to drink Mr. Pablo?
Pablo:Seguro, pero sin azúcar. Gracias. Sure, but without sugar. Thank you.
Silvia:Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.
Waiter:Buenas tardes, señora Silvia.
¿Qué van a tomar de almuerzo?
Good afternoon Madam Silvia.
What would you like for lunch?
Silvia:¿Qué especials tienen de almuerzo? What specials do you have for lunch?
Waiter:Paella, merluza a la plancha y flan. Spanish rice with meat, grilled hake and creme caramel.
Silvia:Prefiero paella y fruta.
¿Me trae una botella de agua mineral?
I prefer Spanish rice and fruits.
Will you bring me a bottle of mineral water?
Waiter:Seguro, madam. Sure, madam.
(noche)(late evening/night)
Waiter:¿Qué van a tomar de cena, señor? What are you going to have for dinner, sir?
Victor:Quiero sopa de cebolla, pollo con patatas, un poco ensalada y una botella de vino blanco. I want onion soup, chicken with potatoes, some salad and a bottle of white wine.
Waiter:¿Qué van a tomar de postre, señor? What are you going to have for dessert, sir?
Victor:Prefiero un poco heledo. I prefer some ice cream.
buen provecho bon appetit

SpanishEnglish translation (equivalent)
Pablo: Buenos días. Good morning.
Waiter: Buenos días, señor Pablo.
¿Qué van a tomar de desayuno?
Good morning, Mr. Pablo.
What are you going to have for breakfast?
Pablo: Querría un tortilla y un poco tostada, por favor. I'd like an omelet and some toast, please.
Waiter: ¿Y un poco café para beber señor Pablo? And some coffee to drink Mr. Pablo?
Pablo: Seguro, pero sin azúcar. Gracias. Sure, but without sugar. Thank you.
Silvia: Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.
Waiter: Buenas tardes, señora Silvia.
¿Qué van a tomar de almuerzo?
Good afternoon Madam Silvia.
What would you like for lunch?
Silvia: ¿Qué especials tienen de almuerzo? What specials do you have for lunch?
Waiter: Paella, merluza a la plancha y flan. Spanish rice with meat, grilled hake and creme caramel.
Silvia: Prefiero paella y fruta.
¿Me trae una botella de agua mineral?
I prefer Spanish rice and fruits.
Will you bring me a bottle of mineral water?
Waiter: Seguro, madam. Sure, madam.
(noche)(late evening/night)
Waiter: ¿Qué van a tomar de cena, señor? What are you going to have for dinner, sir?
Victor: Quiero sopa de cebolla, pollo con patatas, un poco ensalada y una botella de vino blanco. I want onion soup, chicken with potatoes, some salad and a bottle of white wine.
Waiter: Buen provecho, señor. Bon appetit, sir.
Victor: ¿Me trae la cuenta, por favor? Will you bring me the bill, please?

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