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Restaurant : English - Japanese Translation Game
(Ryōriya : Eigo - Nihongo Hon'yaku Gēmu)

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Usage of Japanese Scripts
  • There are 3 Japanese scripts : Hiragana, Katakana & Kanji. Mostof the Japanese sentences are written in Hiragana, Katakana & Kanji, all three.
  • Hiragana is used for the endings of verbs and for grammatical particles.
  • Katakanais used for transcription of words borrowed from foreign languages(except Chinese), like country names, personal names, etc.
  • Both Hiragana and Katakana letters are a phonetic reperesentation of sound representing exactly the same set of sounds.
  • Kanji, which is a set of Chinese characters called sinograms, is used for the nouns and the radicals of verbs.
  • The Hiragana script has a Kanji equivalent (excepts the endings of verbs and the particles).
  • The Katakana script does not have a Kanji equivalent.
  • Whereas Hiragana and Katakana are phonetic representations of sound, Kanji conveys sounds as well as meanings.
  • A sentence in Japanese can be written in Hiragana and Katakana only (without Kanji).
  • Romaji (Roman letters) is simply the transliteration of  Japanese in the Latin script. It is sometimes used for the convenience of foreigners, mostly on sign-boards and at stations.
  • The Romaji vowelsā, ī, ū, ē signify emphasis, and hence are also written asaa, ii, uu et ee. ex. īe = iie
  • The vowel ō becomes ou and not oo ex. gakkō = gakkou
  • In Katakana, the emphasis on the vowel signifies a long sound written as . ex. nōto (notebook), will be written in katakana as : ノ

Example. The sentence 'I'll have tempura and pasta, please.' is written in :

Japanese Romaji :Watashi wa tenpura mo pasuta onegai shimasu. ;

Japanese traditional (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji) :  ぷらもパスタいします。; where
Kanji =  (watashi = I),  (te),
(nega) ; Katakana = パスタ(pasuta = pasta) and the rest is Hiragana.

Japanese Hiragana and Katakana (without Kanji) : わたしんぷらもパスタねがいします。
Note - The Kanjis in the sentence written in Japanese traditional, , 天 and are replaced by their hiragana equivalents わたし, and ねがrespectively.

Note : (ha) is read (wa) only when it is used as the particle attached to the noun or the subject of a sentence.
(wa) is always used after the subject.
In the example above, (wa) comes after the subject Watashi わたし.

Kanji is sometimes written in combination with Hiragana.
In the above example, tenpura (tempura) is written in Kanji as んぷら and in Hiragana as ぷら.
Similarly, onegai (please) is written in Kanji as おい, and in Hiragana as おねがい. 

Romaji Vocabulary  Hiragana Vocabulary   Katakana Vocabulary  Kanji Vocabulary  

Hiragana Alphabets   Katakana Alphabets   Kanji Characters Tables

English Word (Eigo no Kotoba)Japanese Word - Romaji (Nihongo no Kotoba)Writing in Japanese Scripts - Hiragana / Katakana & Kanji
beef          gyuuniku, gyūniku Hiragana : ぎゅうにく ; Kanji : 牛肉
bread        pan Katakana : パン
breakfast   asagohan Hiragana : あさごはん ; Kanji : 朝御飯
butter  nyuuraku, nyūraku Hiragana : にゅうらく, バター ; Kanji : 乳酪
check  okaikei Hiragana : おかいけい ; Kanji : 会計
cheese  kanraku Hiragana : かんらく ; Kanji : 乾酪
chicken  niwatori Hiragana : にわとり ; Kanji : 鶏
coffee  koohii, kōhī Katakana : コーヒー
corn  kokumotsu Hiragana : こくもつ ; Kanji : 穀物
cuisine  kappou Hiragana : かっぽう ; Kanji : 割烹
dessert  dezaato, dezāto Katakana : デザート
dinner  bangohan Hiragana : ばんごはん ; Kanji : 晩御飯
duck  kamoniku Hiragana : かもにく ; Kanji : 鴨肉
egg  tamago Hiragana : たまご ; Kanji : 卵
family  kazoku Hiragana : かぞく ; Kanji : 家族
fish  sakana Hiragana : さかな ; Kanji : 魚
ham  hamu Katakana : ハム
herb  haabu, hābu Katakana : ハーブ
honey  hachimitsu Hiragana : はちみつ ; Kanji : 蜂蜜
lamb  youniku, yōniku Hiragana : ようにく ; Kanji : 羊肉
lunch  hirugohan Hiragana : ひるごはん ; Kanji : 昼御飯
meal  shokuji Hiragana : しょくじ ; Kanji : 食事
menu  kondate Hiragana : こんだて ; Kanji : 献立
order  chuumon, chūmon Hiragana : ちゅうもん ; Kanji : 注文
pasta  pasuta Katakana : パスタ
pepper  koushou Hiragana : こしょう ; Kanji : 胡椒
pork  butaniku Hiragana : ぶたにく ; Kanji : 豚肉
poultry  kakin Hiragana : かきん ; Kanji : 家禽
price  daika Hiragana : だいか ; Kanji : 代価
reservation  yokaku Hiragana : よやく ; Kanji : 予約
restaurant  ryouriten Hiragana : りょうりてん ; Kanji : 料理店
rice            gohan Hiragana : ごはん ; Kanji :ご飯
salt          shio Hiragana : しお ; Kanji : 塩
snack  sunakku Katakana : スナック
soup  shiru, soppu Hiragana : しる ; Katakana : ソップ ; Kanji : 汁
sweets  okashi Hiragana : おかし ; Kanji : お菓子
table  teeburu, tēburu Katakana : テーブル
tea  cha Hiragana : ちゃ ; Kanji : 茶
toilet  otearai Hiragana : おてあらい ; Kanji : 御手洗い
trout  masu, turauto Hiragana : ます ; Katakana :トラウト ; Kanji : 鱒
tuna  maguro Hiragana : まぐろ ; Kanji : 鮪
turkey  shichimenchou, shichimenchō Hiragana : しちめんちょう ; Kanji : 七面鳥
vegetarian  saishokushugisha Hiragana : さいしょくしゅぎしゃ ; Kanji : 菜食主義者
water  mizu Hiragana : みず ; Kanji : 水
waiter  kyuuji, kyūji Hiragana : きゅうじ ; Kanji : 給仕
waitress  jokyuu, jokyū Hiragana : じょきゅう ; Kanji : 女給
wine  kajitsushu, wain Hiragana : かじつしゅ, ワイン ; Kanji : 果実酒
yoghurt  hakkounyuu, hakkounyū Hiragana : はっこうにゅう ; Kanji : 発酵乳


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