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Classroom : English - Japanese Translation Game
(Kyōshitsu : Eigo - Nihongo Hon'yaku Gēmu)

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About Button apid Just what you need to know!

Usage of Japanese Scripts
  • There are 3 Japanese scripts : Hiragana, Katakana & Kanji. Mostof the Japanese sentences are written in Hiragana, Katakana & Kanji, all three.
  • Hiragana is used for the endings of verbs and for grammatical particles.
  • Katakanais used for transcription of words borrowed from foreign languages(except Chinese), like country names, personal names, etc.
  • Both Hiragana and Katakana letters are phonetic representations of sound, representing exactly the same set of sounds.
  • Kanji, which is a set of Chinese characters called sinograms, is used for the nouns and the radicals of verbs.
  • The Hiragana script has a Kanji equivalent (excepts the endings of verbs and the particles).
  • The Katakana script does not have a Kanji equivalent.
  • Whereas Hiragana and Katakana are phonetic representations of sound, Kanji conveys sounds as well as meanings.
  • A sentence in Japanese can be written in Hiragana and Katakana only (without Kanji).
  • Romaji (Roman letters) is simply the transliteration of  Japanese in the Latin script. It is sometimes used for the convenience of foreigners, mostly on sign-boards and at stations.
  • The Romaji vowelsā, ī, ū, ē signify emphasis, and hence are also written asaa, ii, uu et ee. ex. īe = iie
  • The vowel ō becomes ou and not oo ex. gakkō = gakkou
  • In Katakana, the emphasis on the vowel signifies a long sound written as . ex. nōto (notebook), will be written in katakana as : ノ

Example. The sentence 'Is there is a computer in your classroom?' is written in :

Japanese Romaji :Anata no kyōshitsu ni konpyūta ga arimasu ka? ;

Japanese traditional (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji) : あなた の教室コンピュータがありますか。; where
Kanji = 教室 (kyōshitsu = classroom) ; Katakana = コンピュータ(konpyūta = computer) and the rest is Hiragana.
Note that the question mark ? is omitted.

Japanese Hiragana and Katakana (without Kanji) : あなた のきょうしつコンピュータがありますか。
Note - The Kanji in the sentence written in Japanese traditional, 教室 is replaced by its hiragana equivalent きょうしつ.

Romaji Vocabulary  Hiragana Vocabulary   Katakana Vocabulary  Kanji Vocabulary  

Hiragana Alphabets   Katakana Alphabets   Kanji Characters Tables


English Word (Eigo no Kotoba)Japanese Word - Romaji (Nihongo no Kotoba)Writing in Japanese Scripts - Hiragana / Katakana & Kanji
bag    kaban  Hiragana : かばん ;  Kanji : 鞄
book  hon  Hiragana : ほん ;  Kanji : 本
chair  isu  Hiragana : いす ;  Kanji : 椅子
chalk  hakuboku  Hiragana : はくぼく ;  Kanji : 白墨
desk  tsukue  Hiragana : つくえ ;  Kanji : 机
eraser  keshigomu  Hiragana / Katakana : けしゴム ;  Kanji : 消しゴム
notebook  nouto, nōto  Katakana : ノート 
pen  pen  Katakana : ペン 
pencil  enpitsu  Hiragana : えんぴつ ;  Kanji : 鉛筆
paper  kami  Hiragana : かみ ;  Kanji : 紙
satchel  tsuugakukaban, tsūgakukaban  Hiragana : つうがくかばん ;  Kanji : 通学鞄
sharpener  enpitsukezuri  Hiragana : えんぴつけずり ;  Kanji : 鉛筆削り
textbook   kyoukasho, kyōkasho  Hiragana : きょうかしょ ;  Kanji : 教科書


English Word (Eigo no Kotoba)Japanese Word - Romaji (Nihongo no Kotoba)Writing in Japanese Scripts - Hiragana / Katakana & Kanji
answer  kotae Hiragana : こたえ ;  Kanji : 答え
classmate  doukyuusei, dōkyūsei Hiragana : どうきゅうせい ;  Kanji : 同級生
classroom  kyoushitsu, kyōshitsu Hiragana : きょうしつ ;  Kanji : 教室
correction  kyousei, kyōsei Hiragana : きょうせい ;  Kanji : 矯正
examination  shiken Hiragana : しけん ;  Kanji : 試験
grade  kaikyuu, kaikyū Hiragana : かいきゅう ;  Kanji : 階級
homework  shukudai Hiragana : しゅくだい ;  Kanji : 宿題
lesson  gakka Hiragana : がっか ;  Kanji : 学課
library  toshokan Hiragana : としょかん ;  Kanji : 図書館
mark  tensuu, tensū Hiragana : てんすう ;  Kanji : 点数
question  mondai Hiragana : もんだい ;  Kanji : 問題
read  yomu Hiragana : よむ ;  Kanji : 読む
school  gakkou, gakkō Hiragana : がっこう ;  Kanji : 学校
study (verb)  benkyou shimasu, benkyō shimasu Hiragana : べんきょうする ;  Kanji : 勉強する
study (noun)  gaku Hiragana : がく ;  Kanji : 学
student  gakusei Hiragana : がくせい ;  Kanji : 学生
studious  benkyouka, benkyōka Hiragana : べんきょうか ;  Kanji : 勉強家
teach  shikomu Hiragana : しこむ ;  Kanji : 仕込む
teacher  sensei Hiragana : せんせい ;  Kanji : 先生
teaching kyouiku,  kyōikuHiragana : きょういく ;  Kanji : 教育
text  tekisuto Katakana : テキスト 
write  kaku Hiragana : かく ;  Kanji : 書く


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