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Biology : Skeletal System & Bones of Human Body II

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Occipital boneBone at the back and lower part of the cranium.Occipital bone forms the base of the cranium.
It is a curved, trapezoidal bone and encloses a large circular aperture called foramen magnum through which the brain extends as the spinal cord.
Temporal boneBone on each side and at base of the cranium.Temporal bone is located on each side and at base of the skull.
It encloses 6 ear ossicles of the middle ear (3 on each side).
Parietal boneBone on each side and at roof of the cranium.Parietal bone is located on each side and at roof of the cranium.
Parietal bone lies between the frontal and the occipital bone.
Each bone is irregularly quadrilateral in shape.
Frontal boneBone at the forehead.Frontal bone forms the forehead of the skull.
It also includes the upper part of the eye sockets.
Ethmoid boneBone at the roof of the nose.Ethmoid bone is located at the roof of the nose.
It separates the nasal cavity from the brain.
It is a very delicate bone and is easily injured.
MaxillaBone in the upper jaw.Maxilla is the upper jaw bone. It is somewhat pyramidal in shape and has a large cavity called the maxillary sinus.
MandibleBone in the lower jaw.Mandible forms the lower jaw.
Mandible is the largest and the strongest facial bone.
Stapes (Stirrup)Bone at the outermost region of the middle ear.Stapes is situated in the middle ear.
It is the smallest bone of the human skeleton.
It is only 0.25 to 0.33 cm long and weighs 2 to 4.3 mg.
Hyoid boneBone in the neck region.Hyoid bone is situated in the neck. It supports the root of the tongue.
It is the only bone that does not articulate with any other bone.
ClavicleBone in the collar region.Clavicle is a slender rod-shaped bone located in the collar region.
It is also called as the collar bone.
ScapulaBone at the posterior part of the shoulder girdle.Scapula is a large, triangular and flat bone which forms the posterior part of the pectoral (shoulder) girdle.
It is also known as the shoulder blade.
Sternum (Breast bone)Bone at the centre of the thorax.Sternum is located at the centre of the thorax, i.e., the chest.
It is a dagger-shaped bone that along with the ribs, forms the rib cage.
HumerusBone in the upper arm.Humerus is located in the upper arm.
The head of the humerus fits into the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle to form a ball and socket joint.
RadiusBone at the lateral side of the forearm.Radius is the bone located at the lateral side of the forearm.
Radius along with Ulna constitutes the forearm.
UlnaBone at the medial side of the forearm aligned with the little finger.Ulna is located at the medial side of the forearm. It is aligned with the little finger.
Ulna along with Radius constitutes the forearm.
CarpalsBones in the wrist region.Carpals are located in the wrist region.
There are 8 nodule-like bones called carpals in the wrist region.
MetacarpalsBones in the palm region.Metacarpals are 5 small rod-shaped bones located in the palm region.
FemurBone in the thigh region.Femur is located in the thigh region.
The head of the femur fits into the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle to form a ball and socket joint.
It is the longest and the heaviest bone.
It supports the weight of the body.
PatellaBone in front of the knee joint.Patella is located in front of the knee joint.
It is commonly known as the kneecap.
It protects and covers the knee joint.
TibiaBone in the shin region.Tibia is located in the shin region of the leg.
Tibia along with Fibula constitutes the lower leg.
Tibia is the larger of the two bones.
FibulaBone in the calf region.Fibula is located in the calf region of the leg.
Fibula along with Tibia constitutes the lower leg.
CalcaneusBone at the heel.Calcaneus is a large bone located at the heel.
It is also known as the heel bone.
It is more or less rectangular in shape.
TarsalsBones in the ankle.Tarsals are located in the ankle.
There are 7 tarsal bones in the ankle. Calcaneus is the largest tarsal bone which constitutes the heel.
MetatarsalsBones in the foot.Metatarsals are 5 long rod-shaped bones.
They are located between the tarsals and the phalanges.
Metacarpals of hand are analogous to metatarsals of foot.
PhalangesBones in the fingers and toes.Phalanges are the bones in the fingers and toes.
There are 14 phalanges in the fingers of the hand. The thumb has 2 phalanges whereas other fingers have 3 phalanges each.
There are 14 phalanges in the toes. The big toe has 2 phalanges whereas other toes have 3 phalanges each.

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