Try the Quiz : The Gospel of Matthew
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The Gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament followed by the Gospel of Mark. |
The Gospel of Matthew has 28 chapters. |
The Gospel of Matthew begins with a genealogy (the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history). |
The Gospel of Matthew starts with 'The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraha'. |
Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the river Jordan (Matthew 3:13-17). |
Matthew was a tax collector before becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. |
John the Baptist was killed by King Herod (Matthew14:6-12). |
Jesus predicted his betrayal and his death in the Gospel of Matthew six times. |
Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus Christ. |
Jesus Christ was tempted three times by the devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). |
Jesus told Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew to follow him (Matthew 4:8-20). |
The Gospel of Matthew is the only Gospel to mention the word Church. |
The parable of the Hidden Treasure can be found only in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 13:44). |
The parable of the Householder can be found only in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 13:52). |
The parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard can be found only in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 20:1-16). |
Try the Quiz : The Gospel of Matthew