Try the Quiz : General Knowledge Quiz : Inventors & Inventions III
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Air Pump | Otto von Guericke |
Airship (rigid) | G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin |
Arc Lamp | C. F. Brush |
Automobiles using gasoline | Karl Benz |
Bakelite | Leo H Baekeland |
Ball-Point Pen | John J. Loud |
Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli |
Bicycle | Kirkpatrick Macmillan |
Carburettor | Gottlieb Daimler |
Electric Battery | Alessandro Volta |
Electric Flat Iron | H. W. Seeley |
Electric Furnace | William Siemens |
Electric Motor (AC) | Nikola Tesla |
Electronic Computer | Dr. Alan M. Turing |
Fountain Pen | Lewis E. Waterman |
Galvanometer | Andre-Marie Ampere |
Gunpowder | Roger Bacon |
Hovercraft | Christopher Cockerell |
Internal Combustion Engine | Otto |
Jet Engine | Sir Frank Whittle |
Laboratory Gas Burner | Robert Wilhelm Von Bunsen |
Logarithmic Tables | John Napier |
Microscope | Z. Janssen |
Nylon | Dr. Wallace H. Carothers |
Power Loom | Edmund Cartwright |
Printing Press | Johann Gutenberg |
Rabies Vaccine | Louis Pasteur |
Refrigerator | James Harrison, Alexander Catlin |
Shorthand | Sir Isaac Pitman |
Stethoscope | Dr. William Stokes, Rene Laennec |
Submarine | David Bushnell |
Transistor | Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain |
Vaccination | Edward Jenner |
Try the Quiz : General Knowledge Quiz : Inventors & Inventions III