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Given the QUESTION, identify the ANSWER
1. HTML is used to Plot complicated graphs
Author webpages Solve equations
Translate one language into another
Answer: Author webpagesHTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used for authoring web pages. The extension of most of the webpages you visit will usually be html. 2. The "http" you type at the beginning of any site's address stands for HTML Transfer Technology Process
Hyperspace Techniques and Technology Progress
Hyperspace Terms and Technology Protocol
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Answer: Hyper Text Transfer ProtocolProtocol is a set of rules and conventions describing how data can be transferred between two devices. 3. "www" stands for World Wide Wait
World Wide War
World Wide Web World Wide Wares
Answer: World Wide WebThe W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is an organization that drafts the technical specifications for www.
4. ISP stands for Integrated Service Provider
Internet Security Protocol
Internet Survey Period
Internet Service Provider
Answer: Internet Service ProviderYou connect to the Internet using an ISP. AOL is an example of an ISP. 5. Google (www.google.com) is a Number in Math
Search Engine Chat service on the web
Directory of images
Answer: Search EngineGoogle is presently one of the biggest search engines on the net. A search engine provides for a way to look up information on the web. Other search engines on the web are Altavista, Northern Light, Hotbot etc. 6. Internet Explorer is a Web Browser News Reader
Graphing Package
Any person browsing the net
Answer: Web BrowserInternet Explorer (IE) and Netscape are the two most common web browsers. Web Browser is a program that you use to surf the internet. 7. Modem stands for Memory Demagnetization
Monetary Devaluation Exchange Mechanism
Modulator Demodulater Monetary Demarkation
Answer: Modulator DemodulaterModem is a hardware device which is used to dial up to your ISP and get you connected to the Internet. 8. On which of the following sites can you set up your email account: www.gre.org
Answer: www.hotmail.comHotmail was the world's first FREE email site. Presently it is owned by Microsoft. 9. The speed of your net access is defined in terms of MHz
Kbps RAM
Answer: KbpsKbps stands for Kilobits per second. It basically defines the kilobits of data that you are receiving per second. 10. AOL stands for America Over LAN
Arranged Outer Line
America Online Audio Over LAN
Answer: America OnlineAmerica Online is one the biggest Internet Service Providers. 11. Which of the following is not a method of accessing the web? ISDN
Answer: CPUCPU is a part of the computer. It stands for Central Processing Unit. All the others can be used to access the net. 12. Yahoo (www.yahoo.com) is a Super Computer
Portal Organization that allocates web addresses
Website for Consumers
Answer: PortalYahoo is one of the largest portals in the world. A portal is a website intended to be a starting point for exploring and searching the WWW. 13. What is the name given to the temporary storage area that a web browser uses to store pages and graphics that it has recently opened? Niche
Answer: CacheImages are often stored in a cache, so the next time you request for that image it is obtained locally rather than from the website. 14. A computer on the Internet that hosts data, that can be accessed by web browsers using HTTP is known as: Web Rack
Web Space
Web Server Web Computer
Answer: Web ServerThese days the software that enables users to access the website is also known as a Web Server. For example Apache (for Unix and its variants) and IIS (for Windows) are two famous web servers. 15. Linux is A Web Browser
A Web Server
An non profit organization
An Operating System
Answer: An Operating SystemLinux is an operating system developed by Linus Torvalds and a group of dedicated programmers over the internet. Linux is available for free and is one of the best Operating Systems around. 16. Microsoft Windows is A Web Browser
A Web Server
An Operating System A Spreadsheet Package
Answer: An Operating System 17. A domain name ending with "org" is An organization A commercial website
A network site
A site which has very high traffic
Answer: An organizationThe domain name in some ways specifies what a site is. For example, organizations use the .org domain name, commercial sites use .com, military uses .mil, government uses .gov and so on. 18. At which of the following sites would you most probably buy books? www.amazon.com www.hotmail.com
Answer: www.amazon.comAmazon is one of the largest e-commerce sites in the world selling books, CDs, videos and more.
Try the Quiz : Computers - Internet Quiz