Try the Quiz : Kids English III : Delete and Spell
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Delete extra letter, where necessary.
GIVEN WORD | CORRECT WORD | acceede | accede | amoeba | amoeba | barrell | barrel | beauty | beauty | beaver | beaver | carrol | carol | creasse | crease | dairry | dairy | deegree | degree | drearry | dreary | engine | engine | exceede | exceed | feierce | fierce | feaver | fever | freezed | freeze | fulfill | fulfil | gayiety | gaiety | hatche | hatch | hieight | height | inndigo | indigo | innate | innate | instill | instil | liqouor | liquor | nineth | ninth | ninety | ninety | parcell | parcel | pastell | pastel | peierce | pierce | quarry | quarry | querry | query | queue | queue | rareity | rarity | screene | screen | sieize | seize | sherry | sherry | sheield | shield | shreiek | shriek | shrill | shrill | sieige | siege | sieive | sieve | scilent | silent | squeal | squeal | untill | until | uphill | uphill | vaccuum | vacuum | vessell | vessel | violett | violet | weaslel | weasel | wieight | weight | wretch | wretch | |  |
Try the Quiz : Kids English III : Delete and Spell