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Answer the following True/False questions on a fun Christmas theme to test your verbal skills. |
1. The fifth letter of the word obtained by using the letters 'M Y C I N E H' is 'M'. True
Answer: FalseThe word is 'C H I M N E Y' whose fifth letter is 'N'. 2. The word 'ELF' can be formed with exactly nine matchsticks without bending or breaking any matchsticks. True False
Answer: TrueThe word 'ELF' can be formed with exactly nine matchsticks as follows : 4 matchsticks for E, 2 matchsticks for L and 3 matchsticks for F. 3. There are only two vowels in each of the following reindeer names : Rudolph, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Dasher, Donder, Prancer, and Vixen. True False
Answer: TrueThe vowels in each name are given in brackets : Rudolph (u,o); Blitzen (i,e); Comet (o,e); Cupid (u,i); Dancer (a,e); Dasher (a,e); Donder (o,e); Prancer (a,e); and Vixen (i,e).
4. If the word 'paint' is replaced by 'stock', then the following sentence is meaningful : Black boots are out of paint, but we have got red paintings in paint. True False
Answer: True'Black boots are out of stock' means 'black boots are not there for sale'. 'We have got red stockings in stock' means 'we have red stockings (coverings for legs and feet) available for sale'. 5. The letters in the word 'chimney' are in alphabetical order. True
Answer: FalseAll the letters in 'chimney' except the letter 'e' are in alphabetical order. 6. The following words have antonyms (words of opposite meaning) beginning with the letter S : happy, winter, joy, white, north. True
Answer: FalseThe antonyms of 'happy, winter, joy, white, north' are 'sad, summer, sorrow, black, south'. The opposite of 'white' is 'black', which does not begin with the letter S. 7. The word 'times' is spelt using five letters from the word 'mistletoe'. True False
Answer: TrueThe word 'times' is contained in the word 'mistletoe'. 8. The word 'snows' is a palindrome, i.e., it reads the same backwards as forwards. True
Answer: FalseThe word 'snows' backwards reads 'swons'. Some examples of palindromes are 'Hannah', 'Mum', 'Dad', 'level', 'Madam', and 'Ten animals I slam in a net'. 9. An elf used 16 letter tiles and two blank tiles so as to read 'FIRST OPEN COUNTER'. The elf then used the same 16 letter tiles and two blank tiles to read 'FIR STOP ENCOUNTER'. True False
Answer: TrueThe 16 letter tiles are kept in the same order and only the two blank tiles are moved to change 'FIRST OPEN COUNTER' to 'FIR STOP ENCOUNTER'. 10. When the words COAT, CARD, BAKE, and TREE are written one below the other, the word CAKE is formed diagonally from left to right. True False
Answer: TrueCOAT CARD BAKE TREE As seen, the bold letters form the word CAKE from top-left to bottom-right. 11. All the vowels appear in the following sentence : 'Rudolph is the red-nosed reindeer'. True
Answer: FalseThe five vowels are 'a e i o u'. The sentence 'Rudolph is the red-nosed reindeer' does not contain the letter 'a'. 12. Each of the words 'rein, snow, and stock' can be prefixed to the corresponding words 'deer, flake, and king' to form three new words. True
Answer: FalseThough 'reindeer' and 'snowflake' are meaningful words, 'stockking' is not. The correct spelling is 'stocking'. 13. The word 'scissors' is spelt using the first letters of the sentence : 'Santa Claus is sorting some orange ribbons carefully.' True
Answer: FalseThe last letter in the word 'scissors' is 's', whereas 'carefully' starts with 'c'.
Try the Quiz : IQ Tests: Christmas Games for Verbal Analysis