Arithmetic : Fractions
Numerator and Denominator
A fraction is a number that represents a ratio or division of two numbers n and m with m ≠ 0.
The number n at the top is called the numerator. For example, ¾ is a fraction whose numerator is 3 and denominator is 4.
The denominator indicates the total number of equal parts that something is divided into, whereas the numerator indicates the number of these parts that are taken.
If the numerator and denominator of a fraction are the same number, the fraction equals one.
MUST-KNOW : No fraction can have zero as its denominator because division by 0 is not defined.
A fraction with zero as its numerator is equal to 0.
A fraction with one as its denominator is equal to the whole number that is its numerator.
GMAT Math Review - Arithmetic : Practice Exercise for Fractions |
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