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Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia :
Harry Potter - Spells II harry_potter_books_movies

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Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells II

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MobiliarbusIt causes trees to move.
ObliviateIt causes the victim's memory to be lost.
OppugnoIt causes animals to start attacking.
OrchideousIt causes a bouquet of flowers to appear from the tip of the caster's wand.
Peskipiksi PesternomiIt causes pixies to exit.
Petrificus TotalusIt causes the victim to be frozen in a particular position.
QuietusIt causes a magically-magnified voice to return to its original pitch.
ReducioIt causes a magically-enlarged article to return to its original size.
ReductoIt causes all articles in the caster's way to be destroyed.
RennervateIt causes the unconscious victim to become conscious once again.
ReparoIt causes a damaged article to be repaired.
RictusempraIt causes the victim to be tickled.
ScourgifyIt causes a dirty article to be cleaned.
SilencioIt causes the victim or the victim article to be quietened.
SonorusIt causes the caster's voice to be magnified.
Specialis RevelioIt causes an article to reveal its magical characteristics.
StupefyIt causes the victim to become unconscious.
TarantallegraIt causes the victim's legs to start dancing.
TergeoIt causes the liquid on a particular surface to be cleaned.
Wingardium LeviosaIt causes an article to levitate.

Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells II

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