Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells II
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Mobiliarbus | It causes trees to move. |
Obliviate | It causes the victim's memory to be lost. |
Oppugno | It causes animals to start attacking. |
Orchideous | It causes a bouquet of flowers to appear from the tip of the caster's wand. |
Peskipiksi Pesternomi | It causes pixies to exit. |
Petrificus Totalus | It causes the victim to be frozen in a particular position. |
Quietus | It causes a magically-magnified voice to return to its original pitch. |
Reducio | It causes a magically-enlarged article to return to its original size. |
Reducto | It causes all articles in the caster's way to be destroyed. |
Rennervate | It causes the unconscious victim to become conscious once again. |
Reparo | It causes a damaged article to be repaired. |
Rictusempra | It causes the victim to be tickled. |
Scourgify | It causes a dirty article to be cleaned. |
Silencio | It causes the victim or the victim article to be quietened. |
Sonorus | It causes the caster's voice to be magnified. |
Specialis Revelio | It causes an article to reveal its magical characteristics. |
Stupefy | It causes the victim to become unconscious. |
Tarantallegra | It causes the victim's legs to start dancing. |
Tergeo | It causes the liquid on a particular surface to be cleaned. |
Wingardium Leviosa | It causes an article to levitate. |
Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells II