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Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia :
Harry Potter - Spells I harry_potter_books_movies

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Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells I

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AguamentiIt causes a jet of water to be produced from the tip of the caster's wand.
AlohomoraIt causes a door to unlock and open.
Avada KedavraIt causes instant death.
ColloportusIt causes a door to get locked.
CrucioIt causes great pain to the victim.
DensaugeoIt causes the victim's teeth to start growing rapidly.
DiffindoIt causes the victim article to be severed.
EngorgioIt causes the victim article to start growing larger in size.
EnnervateIt causes the victim to wake up.
EpiskeyIt causes minor injuries to be healed.
EvanescoIt causes the victim article to disappear.
Expecto PatronumIt causes the caster to be protected.
Finite IncantatemIt causes the effects of another spell to cease.
FurnunculusIt causes boils to appear on the victim's skin.
IncarcerousIt causes the victim or the victim article to be tied with a rope.
IncendioIt causes a fire to be produced.
LanglockIt causes the victim's tongue to be glued to the roof of the victim's mouth.
Locomotor MortisIt causes the victim's legs to be locked together.
LumosIt causes a narrow beam of light to emerge from the tip of the caster's wand.

Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells I

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