Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells I
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Aguamenti | It causes a jet of water to be produced from the tip of the caster's wand. |
Alohomora | It causes a door to unlock and open. |
Avada Kedavra | It causes instant death. |
Colloportus | It causes a door to get locked. |
Crucio | It causes great pain to the victim. |
Densaugeo | It causes the victim's teeth to start growing rapidly. |
Diffindo | It causes the victim article to be severed. |
Engorgio | It causes the victim article to start growing larger in size. |
Ennervate | It causes the victim to wake up. |
Episkey | It causes minor injuries to be healed. |
Evanesco | It causes the victim article to disappear. |
Expecto Patronum | It causes the caster to be protected. |
Finite Incantatem | It causes the effects of another spell to cease. |
Furnunculus | It causes boils to appear on the victim's skin. |
Incarcerous | It causes the victim or the victim article to be tied with a rope. |
Incendio | It causes a fire to be produced. |
Langlock | It causes the victim's tongue to be glued to the roof of the victim's mouth. |
Locomotor Mortis | It causes the victim's legs to be locked together. |
Lumos | It causes a narrow beam of light to emerge from the tip of the caster's wand. |
Try the Quiz : Fun Games, Movie Quiz & Fan Fiction Trivia : Harry Potter - Spells I