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Carnival and Mardi Gras Fun Activities

Carnivals of the World - Quiz I

Bonhomme, the carnival mascot                                        Samba Dance - Carnival of Brazil 

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Try the Quiz : Carnivals of the World - Quiz I

About Button apid Just what you need to know!

The city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil hosts one of the most popular carnivals of the world today.
The carnival festivities in Brazil are called 'Entrudo' which means entry.
The official duration of the Carnival in Rio is 4 days.
The famous Carnival dance of Brazil is called Samba.
The Samba originated from a rhythm brought by African slaves to Brazil.
During the Carnival in Brazil, different groups of Samba schools  called 'Ecolas de Samba' parade.
The best Samba schools of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil parade in a Sambodrome. 
The city of Venice in Italy is famous for its carnival.
The city of Nice in France is famous for its carnival.
The famous flower show at the Nice Carnival is called the Battle of Flowers.
The Carnival of Binche  is the most famous in Belgium.
The Gilles are the main costumed characters of the Carnival of Binche in Belgium.
The hat of the 'Gilles' of the Carnival of Binche in Belgium is covered by ostrich feathers.
In France, the festival of Mi-Karem is called the festival of women.
'Bonhomme  Carnaval' is the mascot of the Quebec Winter Carnival.
The imposing structure of the Ice Palace or Palais de Glace is one of the many attractions of the Carnival of Quebec.
The Carnival Queen of Guyana is called  ' Touloulou'.
The king of Carnival in Guadeloupe is called 'Vaval'.
Mardi Gras in America came from the city of Mobile.
'Galette des Rois' is a French specialty cake exclusive to Mardi Gras season.
King  cake is a New Orleans specialty exclusive to Mardi Gras season.
A plastic baby is hidden in the King Cake of New Orleans.

Try the Quiz : Carnivals of the World - Quiz I

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