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Hebrew Language - New York Regents 2005 Exam

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Part 2
a Directions (1-9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Hebrew twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers. Identify the best suggested answer. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18]

1. Your Israeli friend Lavie tells you about something that is bothering him. He says:

What is bothering Lavie?
(1) His brother’s room is too small.
(2) His room has too many things in it.
(3) His television is not working.
(4) His brother left the house.

2. You hear this news report on Israeli radio:

Why are Israelis worried about their children?
(1) The children do not eat enough salad.
(2) The children eat unhealthy food.
(3) The children do not study enough.
(4) The children watch too much television.

3. You hear an Israeli professor describing a recent scientific study:

According to the latest research, what helps to prolong life?
(1) working out
(2) eating vegetables
(3) helping others
(4) taking vitamins

4. You hear this news report on Israeli television:

Why did some parents have to stay home?
(1) There was a heavy rainstorm.
(2) There was a teachers’ strike.
(3) There was no electricity.
(4) There was a flu epidemic.

5. You are listening to a news report on Kol Yisrael. The radio announcer says:

What was the president of Israel doing in New York?
(1) receiving an honorary doctorate degree
(2) consulting with the president of the United States
(3) teaching a course in international relations
(4) observing the Israeli Independence Day parade

6. Your Israeli classmate calls you on the telephone. She says:

What sort of help is your classmate seeking from you?
(1) completing some homework
(2) fixing her computer
(3) teaching her to drive
(4) doing a crossword puzzle

7. Your Hebrew teacher is telling your class about Andy Statman. Your teacher says:

What did Andy Statman do?
(1) He collected musical instruments from Eastern Europe.
(2) He saved the life of an elderly musician.
(3) He helped revive an old style of Jewish music.
(4) He traveled to Eastern Europe to give lectures.

8. While on a tour of the Caribbean island of Saint Thomas, you visit an old synagogue. The Rabbi of the synagogue says:

Why is there sand on the floor of this synagogue?
(1) because the synagogue stands on a sandy beach
(2) because the Jews in Spain used to put sand on the floor where they prayed
(3) because the ancient Jews wandered for many years through desert sands
(4) because the synagogues old walls have crumbled into sand

9. Your Israeli friend Avi is telling you about a product that he has bought in the supermarket. He says:

What is different about this product?
(1) its size
(2) its taste
(3) its color
(4) its price

b Directions (10-15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Hebrew twice and a question in Hebrew once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers. Identify the best suggested answer. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12]

10. You are visiting your Israeli friend Shai. His father is giving him advice about entering the university. Shai’s father says:


11. You hear this news report on Kol Yisrael:


12. You are attending a Hebrew lecture about the Israeli humorist Ephraim Kishon. The lecturer says:


13. Your Israeli friend Etan is telling you what happened Saturday night. He says:


14. Your Israeli teacher is telling you about a very special restaurant in Jerusalem. He says:


15. Your friend Sarah is an exchange student in Tel Aviv. She calls you and says:


Part 3
a Directions (16-20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided below. [10]











b Directions (21-25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, identify the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection. [10]


This healthy recipe includes
(1) potatoes and tomatoes
(2) eggplant and onions
(3) meat and potatoes
(4) fish and eggs


What kind of experience is this hotel offering?
(1) political
(2) theatrical
(3) economic
(4) athletic


The editor of this periodical is asking for
(1) more subscriptions
(2) reactions from readers
(3) articles about sports
(4) more advertisements


According to this advertisment, why would you want to buy this book?
(1) It has delicious recipes.
(2) It has a reasonable price.
(3) It has large print.
(4) It has holiday songs.


What celebration will take place at this concert?
(1) Independence Day
(2) Rosh Hashanah
(3) Jerusalem Day
(4) Purim

c Directions (26-30): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements in English. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning ofthe passage, and identify its number. [10]

26. What did Naomi Shemer do immediately after finishing high school?
(1) She worked on a kibbutz.
(2) She traveled abroad.
(3) She studied music.
(4) She got married.

27. When was “Yerushalayim Shel Zahav” originally written?
(1) before the War of Independence
(2) before the Six Day War
(3) when Naomi Shemer got her doctorate degree
(4) when Naomi Shemer’s son was born

28. What does “Lu Yehi” symbolize?
(1) pain
(2) sorrow
(3) hope
(4) laughter

29. “Ho Rav Chovel” was dedicated to
(1) Yitzhak Rabin
(2) Ariel Sharon
(3) Yehoram Cach
(4) Han Ramon

30. What is the main idea of this story?
(1) Naomi Shemer’s life on a kibbutz
(2) Naomi Shemer’s service in the army
(3) the influence of the Paris years on Naomi Shemer
(4) the impact of Naomi Shemer on the people of Israel

Part 4

Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. No credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16]

Directions (31-33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. Write your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen.
For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in Hebrew and should contain a minimum of 100 words.

Place names and brand names written in Hebrew count as one word. Contractions are also counted as one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations in Hebrew, are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not counted as words.

You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to include a beginning, middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expressions used should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition.

31. You are running for president of your Hebrew club. Write a presentation to your Hebrew club explaining why you will make a good president. You may wish to include:
• an introduction
• how long you have studied Hebrew
• your language skills and abilities
• other qualities that will make you a good president
• what you plan to do as president
• why you want to do those things
• how you will carry out your plans

32. It is the end of the school year. Write a journal entry for your Hebrew class about the school year that is ending. You may wish to include:
• how you feel about the past school year
• your favorite subject and teacher
• extracurricular activities you participated in
• special school events that took place
• what you liked and disliked
• how well you did

33. In Hebrew, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue.


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