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Hebrew Language - New York Regents 2002 Exam

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Part 2
a Directions (1-9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Hebrew twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers. Identify the best suggested answer. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18]

1. Lavie tells his Israeli friend about his trip. Lavie says:

What reason does Lavie give for enjoying his experience so much?
(1) He liked the good weather.
(2) He liked the food.
(3) He liked hiking.
(4) He liked meeting new people.

2. Your Hebrew teacher tells you about a famous musican who died recently:

What is one interesting fact that the teacher states about Isaac Stern?
(1) He learned to play the violin because his parents demanded it.
(2) He learned to play the violin by accidentally trying it.
(3) He learned to play the violin before he played the piano.
(4) He learned to play the violin because he was very rich.

3. Shai tells his Israeli friend about his summer experiences. He says:

What profession does Shai hope to pursue in the future?
(1) medicine
(2) architecture
(3) teaching
(4) law

4. You hear the following information on Kol Yisrael:

What is the topic of this broadcast?
(1) a Purim party
(2) a film review
(3) a weather report
(4) a school outing

5. You are listening to the radio in Tel Aviv. The reporter says:

What is the purpose of this project?
(1) to collect money for soldiers
(2) to raise money for cancer research
(3) to plant trees in the forest
(4) to build homes for the poor

6. Your Israeli friend tells you something about his family:

Why is your friend so happy?
(1) His cousin is coming to the United States.
(2) His aunt invited him to a wedding in Israel.
(3) He is going to study at Hebrew University.
(4) He is going to get married next month.

7. You hear this report on Israeli television:

What event in Carmiel is described in this report?
(1) a book fair
(2) a flea market
(3) a dance festival
(4) a sports competition

8. You hear this on Israeli radio:

What is this report about?
(1) advancing the clock by one hour
(2) buying a new clock
(3) getting up early in the morning
(4) preparing for Passover

9. You hear this news report on Israeli television:

Which sport will the Maccabee team play against Poland?
(1) soccer
(2) baseball
(3) hockey
(4) basketball

b Directions (10-15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Hebrew twice and a question in Hebrew once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers. Identify the best suggested answer. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12]

10. Your guide is taking you around Jerusalem. He says:


11. Your Israeli friend tells you about an amazing performance that he attended. He says:


12. Your Israeli guide tells you about a special place that you are about to visit. He says:


13. At the beginning of Hebrew class one day, your Hebrew teacher says:


14. You are an exchange student in Israel. You overhear your host mother talking to her friend. Your host mother says:


15. Your Israeli friend Rivka calls you up on the telephone. She says:


Part 3
a Directions (16-20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided below. [10]











b Directions (21-25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, identify the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection. [10]


What is the youngest age that children may start going to this kindergarten?
(1) one
(2) two
(3) three
(4) four


What job is being offered in this advertisement?
(1) engineer
(2) publisher
(3) translator
(4) salesperson


These people are demonstrating because they
(1) want better salaries
(2) do not want their libraries to be closed
(3) do not want to live in settlement towns
(4) work too many hours


When is this restaurant open?
(1) 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon
(2) 6 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon
(3) 24 hours a day
(4) 4 in the afternoon to 4 in the morning


What extra feature is offered on trips of two or more days?
(1) tickets to a show
(2) daily breakfasts
(3) a travel bag
(4) a 10% discount

c Directions (26-30): In the following passage there are five blank spaces numbered 26 through 30. Each blank space represents a missing word or expression. For each blank space, four possible completions are provided. Only one of them makes sense in the context of the passage.
First, read the passage in its entirety to determine its general meaning. Then read it a second time. For each blank space, choose the completion that makes the best sense. [10]











Part 4

Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. No credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16]

a Directions: Write one well-organized note in Hebrew as directed below. [6]
Choose either question 31 or 32. Identify the number of the question you have chosen. Write a well-organized note, following the specific instructions given in the question you have chosen. Your note must consist of at least six clauses. To qualify for credit, a clause must contain a verb, a stated or implied subject, and additional words necessary to convey meaning. The six clauses may be contained in fewer than six sentences if some of the sentences have more than one clause.



b Directions: Write below one well-organized composition in Hebrew as directed below. [10]
Choose either question 33 or 34. Identify the number of the question you have chosen. Write a well-organized composition, following the specific instructions given in the question you have chosen. Your composition must consist of at least 10 clauses. To qualify for credit, a clause must contain a verb, a stated or implied subject, and additional words necessary to convey meaning. The 10 clauses may be contained in fewer than 10 sentences if some of the sentences have more than one clause.

33. In Hebrew, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue.


34. Your pen pal from Israel is writing an article for her school newspaper. The article is about what life is like for a teenager in the United States. Your pen pal has asked you to provide some information for the article. In Hebrew, write a letter to your pen pal providing information that could be used for a school newspaper article about what life is like for a teenager in the United States.
You must accomplish the purpose of the letter, which is to provide information that could be used for a school newspaper article about what life is like for a teenager in the United States.
In your letter you may wish to include: how American teenagers dress, afterschool and weekend activities, favorite foods, favorite music, family life, what a typical school day is like, and what your community is like.
You may use any or all of the ideas suggested above or you may use your own ideas.
Either way, you must provide information that could be used for a school newspaper article about what life is like for a teenager in the United States.

The dateline, salutation, and closing will not be counted as part of the 10 required clauses.

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