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Earth Science - New York Regents June 2019 Exam

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Part A
Answer all questions in this part.
Directions (1 - 35): For each statement or question, choose the word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question. Some questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Earth Science. Record your answers on your separate answer sheet. 1 The map below shows four major time zones of the United States. The locations of Boston and San Diego are shown.
What is the time in Boston when it is 11 a.m. in San Diego?
(1) 8 a.m.                                          (3) 3 p.m.
(2) 2 p.m.                                          (4) noon

2 The diagram below represents the spectral lines from the light emitted from a mixture of two gaseous
  elements in a laboratory on Earth.
If the same two elements were detected in a distant star that was moving away from Earth, how would the
spectral lines appear?
(1) The entire set of spectral lines would shift toward the red end.
(2) The entire set of spectral lines would shift toward the blue end.
(3) The spectral lines of the shorter wavelengths would move closer together.
(4) The spectral lines of the longer wavelengths would move closer together.

3 The diagram below shows Earth in orbit around the Sun, and the Moon in orbit around Earth. M1 and M2
  indicate positions of the Moon in its orbit where eclipses might be seen from Earth.
Which table correctly matches each type of eclipse with the orbital position of the Moon and the cause of
each eclipse?


4 The timeline below represents the entire geologic history of Earth. The lettered dots on the timeline
  represent events in Earth’s history.
Which lettered dot best indicates the geologic time when humans first appeared on Earth?
(1) A                                              (3) C
(2) B                                              (4) D

5 Compared to our solar system, the universe is
  (1) younger, smaller, and contains fewer stars
  (2) younger, larger, and contains more stars
  (3) older, smaller, and contains fewer stars
  (4) older, larger, and contains more stars

6 Which motion allows an observer on Earth to
  view different constellations throughout the
  (1) Earth orbiting the Sun
  (2) constellations orbiting Earth
  (3) Earth orbiting the constellations
  (4) constellations orbiting the Sun

7 What is the approximate location of the Tasman
  Hot Spot in the Pacific Ocean?
  (1) 36° N 160° W          (3) 160° N 36° W
  (2) 36° S 160° E          (4) 160° S 36° E

8 Most ozone is found in a region of Earth’s
  atmosphere between 10 and 20 miles above
  Earth’s surface. This temperature zone of the
  atmosphere is known as the
  (1) thermosphere         (3) stratosphere
  (2) mesosphere           (4) troposphere

9 The Coriolis effect, which causes the curving of
  planetary winds, is a direct result of the
  (1) distance between Earth and the Sun
  (2) inclination of Earth’s axis
  (3) orbiting of Earth around the Sun
  (4) spinning of Earth on its axis

10 What is the dewpoint if the dry-bulb temperature
   is 18°C and the relative humidity is 64%?
   (1) 14°C                  (3) 9°C
   (2) 11°C                  (4) 4°C

11 When one gram of liquid water at its boiling
   point is changed into water vapor
   (1) 334 J/g is gained from the surrounding
   (2) 334 J/g is released into the surrounding
   (3) 2260 J/g is gained from the surrounding
   (4) 2260 J/g is released into the surrounding

12 The cross section below represents some
   processes of the water cycle. Arrows represent
   the infiltration of water. The dashed line labeled
   X represents the uppermost level of Earth
   material that is saturated by groundwater.
What is indicated by the dashed line labeled X?
(1) watershed
(2) water table
(3) impermeable bedrock
(4) impermeable soil

13 Which index fossil in sedimentary surface bedrock
   most likely indicates that a marine environment
   once existed in the region where the sediments
   were deposited?
   (1) Mastodont              (3) Eospirifer
   (2) Condor                 (4) Coelophysis

14 The three diagrams below represent three frontal boundaries with the surface locations of the fronts labeled
   A, B, and C. Arrows indicate direction of air movement.
Which table correctly matches each letter with the type of frontal boundary it represents?


15 The cross section below indicates the geologic ages of the bedrock beneath the state of Michigan. These
   rocks formed from sediments deposited in an ancient depositional basin. This region is called the Michigan
   Basin. Glacial deposits cover most of the surface.
Which process most likely caused the formation of the Michigan Basin?
(1) uplift                                        (3) metamorphism
(2) faulting                                      (4) downwarping

16 The cross section below represents prevailing
   winds, shown by arrows, moving over a coastal
   mountain range. Letters A through D represent
   locations on Earth’s surface.
Which location would most likely have cloud
cover and precipitation?
(1) A                    (3) C
(2) B                    (4) D

17 Which Earth surface would most likely absorb
   the greatest amount of insolation on a sunny day
   if all of these surfaces have equal areas?
   (1) blacktop parking lot
   (2) white sand beach
   (3) surface of a calm lake
   (4) snow covered mountain slope

18 Most of the infrared radiation given off by Earth’s
   surface is absorbed in Earth’s atmosphere by
   greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon
   dioxide, and
   (1) hydrogen               (3) oxygen
   (2) nitrogen               (4) methane

19 The X on the map below indicates the region
   where the state of Washington is located on the
   present-day North American continent.
During which geologic period was the region of
Washington State closest to the equator?
(1) Cretaceous            (3) Mississippian
(2) Triassic              (4) Ordovician

20 A climate event that occurs when surface water in
   the eastern equatorial area of the Pacific Ocean
   becomes warmer than normal and may cause a
   warm, dry winter in New York State is
   (1) an air mass formation
   (2) the Doppler effect
   (3) an El Ni no
   (4) a monsoon

21 In the New York State rock record, there is no
   bedrock from the Permian Period. Which two
   other entire geologic periods have no sediment
   or bedrock in the New York State rock record?
   (1) Cretaceous and Quaternary Periods
   (2) Paleogene and Neogene Periods
   (3) Triassic and Jurassic Periods
   (4) Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods

22 The cross sections below represent two widely
   separated bedrock outcrops, 1 and 2. Letters A,
   B, C, and D identify some rock layers. Line XY
   represents a fault. The rock layers have not been
Which lettered rock layer is the youngest?
(1) A                    (3) C
(2) B                    (4) D

23 The block diagram below represents the surface
   features in a landscape region.


24 Compared to a landscape that develops in a cool,
   dry climate, a landscape that develops in a warm,
   rainy climate will most likely weather and erode
   (1) slower, so the landforms are more angular
   (2) slower, so the landforms are more rounded
   (3) faster, so the landforms are more angular
   (4) faster, so the landforms are more rounded

25 Earth’s crustal bedrock at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
   is composed mostly of
   (1) basalt, with a density of 2.7 g/cm3
   (2) basalt, with a density of 3.0 g/cm3
   (3) granite, with a density of 2.7 g/cm3
   (4) granite, with a density of 3.0 g/cm3

26 A seismic recording station located 4000
   kilometers from the epicenter of an earthquake
   received the first P-wave at 7:10:00 p.m. (h:min:s).
   Other information that could be determined from
   this recording was that the earthquake occurred
   at approximately
   (1) 7:03:00 p.m., and the S-wave arrived at this
       station at 7:12:40 p.m.
   (2) 7:03:00 p.m., and the S-wave arrived at this
       station at 7:15:40 p.m.
   (3) 7:17:00 p.m., and the S-wave arrived at this
       station at 7:12:40 p.m.
   (4) 7:17:00 p.m., and the S-wave arrived at this
       station at 7:15:40 p.m.

27 Which graph best represents the percentage by
   mass of elements of Earth’s crust?


28 The aerial photograph below shows an elongated
   hill near the Finger Lakes formed by glacial
   deposition in New York State.
This elongated hill is best identified as a
(1) kettle                  (3) sand dune
(2) moraine                 (4) drumlin

29 The photograph below shows a valley glacier
   altering the landscape.
The result of this glacial action will be a
(1) U-shaped valley with scratched and grooved
(2) U-shaped valley with well-sorted, rounded
(3) V-shaped valley with scratched and grooved
(4) V-shaped valley with well-sorted, rounded

30 Which element is always found in bioclastic
   sedimentary rocks?
   (1) iron              (3) carbon
   (2) sodium            (4) sulfur

31 What are two major factors that control the
   development of soil in a given location?
   (1) vegetative cover and slope
   (2) tectonic activity and elevation
   (3) erosion and transpiration
   (4) bedrock composition and climate

32 The cross section below represents rock units
   within Earth’s crust. The geologic ages of two of
   the layers are shown.
Which sequence of geologic events occurred
after the formation of the Cambrian limestone
and before the formation of the Silurian


33 Which two rocks contain the mineral quartz?
   (1) gabbro and schist
   (2) dunite and sandstone
   (3) granite and gneiss
   (4) pumice and scoria

34 Which chemical formula represents the compo-
   sition of a mineral that usually exhibits fracture,
   not cleavage?


35 Which mineral is commonly used as the “lead” in
   (1) pyrite             (3) galena
   (2) graphite           (4) fluorite

Part B - 1
Answer all questions in this part.
Directions (36 - 50): For each statement or question, choose the word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question.
 Some questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition
Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Earth Science. Record your answers on your separate answer sheet.
    Base your answers to questions 36 and 37 on the graph below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The
graph shows changing ocean water levels, over a 3-day period, at a shoreline location at Kings Point, New York
on Long Island.
36 Based on the graph, the first low tide on December 26 occurred at approximately
   (1) 6 a.m.                                        (3) 6 p.m.
   (2) 11 a.m.                                       (4) 11 p.m.

37 These Long Island tides show a pattern that is
   (1) cyclic and predictable                       (3) noncyclic and predictable
   (2) cyclic and unpredictable                     (4) noncyclic and unpredictable

    Base your answers to questions 38 through 41 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The diagram represents Earth orbiting the Sun. Four positions of Earth in its orbit are labeled A, B, C, and D.
Letter N represents the North Pole. Distances are indicated for aphelion (Earth’s farthest position from the Sun
around July 4) and perihelion (Earth’s closest position to the Sun around January 3). Arrows indicate directions
of movement.
38 During which season in the Northern Hemisphere is Earth at aphelion?
   (1) winter                                     (3) summer
   (2) spring                                     (4) fall

39 Between which pair of lettered positions is the Sun’s vertical ray moving from the equator southward to the
   Tropic of Capricorn?
   (1) A and B                                        (3) C and D
   (2) B and C                                        (4) D and A

40 Approximately how many times does Earth rotate as it moves in its orbit from position A back to position A?
   (1) 1 time                                      (3) 24 times
   (2) 15 times                                    (4) 365 times

41 What is the tilt of Earth’s rotational axis relative to a line perpendicular to the plane of Earth’s orbit?
   (1) 15°                                                 (3) 66.5°
   (2) 23.5°                                               (4) 90°

    Base your answers to questions 42 through 44 on the map below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The map shows a composite of Doppler radar images. Darker shadings indicate the precipitation pattern of a
large storm system over the eastern United States.
42 The surface wind circulation pattern around the center of this storm system is
   (1) inward and clockwise                          (3) outward and clockwise
   (2) inward and counterclockwise                   (4) outward and counterclockwise

43 The best evidence on a weather map to indicate high-speed winds near the center of this storm system
   would most likely be
   (1) cloud cover of 100%                        (3) temperature and dewpoint values
   (2) type of precipitation                      (4) isobars drawn close together

44 As this storm system follows a normal storm track, it will most likely move toward the
   (1) southeast                                       (3) northeast
   (2) southwest                                       (4) northwest

    Base your answers to questions 45 through 48 on the passage and map below and on your knowledge of Earth
science. The map shows the location of the epicenter ( ) of a major earthquake that occurred about 1700 years
ago. Point A represents a location on a tectonic plate boundary. Plates X and Y represent major tectonic plates.
The island of Crete; the Anatolian Plate, which is a minor tectonic plate; and the Hellenic Trench have been
labeled. Arrows indicate the relative directions of plate motion.
                                               Crete Earthquake
                  Scientists have located the geological fault, off the coast of Crete in the Mediterranean
              Sea, that likely shifted, causing a huge earthquake in the year 365 that devastated life
              and property on Crete. The southwestern coastal region of Crete was uplifted, as
              evidenced by remains of corals and other sea life now found on land 10 meters above
              sea level. Scientists measured the age of these corals to verify when this event occurred.
              This earthquake caused a tsunami that devastated the southern and eastern coasts of the
              Mediterranean Sea. It is estimated that earthquakes along the fault, associated with the
              Hellenic Trench, may occur about every 800 years.
45 Which type of plate boundary is represented at point A?
   (1) divergent                                     (3) transform
   (2) convergent                                    (4) complex

46 What are the names of the major tectonic plates X and Y?
   (1) X = Eurasian Plate; Y = African Plate
   (2) X = Eurasian Plate; Y = Arabian Plate
   (3) X = Indian-Australian Plate; Y = African Plate
   (4) X = Indian-Australian Plate; Y = Arabian Plate

47 Which two New York State index fossils are most closely related to the corals that were radioactively dated
   in this study?
   (1) Eucalyptocrinus and Ctenocrinus              (3) Maclurites and Platyceras
   (2) Elliptocephala and Phacops                   (4) Lichenaria and Pleurodictyum

48 Which activity could best prepare residents along the Mediterranean coast to reduce the loss of human life
   during a future tsunami?
   (1) Board up windows.
   (2) Remove heavy objects from the walls in homes.
   (3) Plan evacuation routes to higher ground.
   (4) Build reinforced basements.

   Base your answers to questions 49 and 50 on the photograph below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The photograph shows a sandstone erosional feature that formed near the Grand Canyon, in southwestern United
49 Which erosional agent is most likely sandblasting this rock formation?
   (1) wind                                            (3) running water
   (2) waves                                           (4) moving ice

50 What is the range of grain sizes that are most commonly found in rock making up this feature?
   (1) 0.0004 cm  -  0.006 cm                           (3) 0.2 cm  -  6.4 cm
   (2) 0.006 cm  -  0.2 cm                              (4) 6.4 cm  -  25.6 cm

Part B - 2
Answer all questions in this part. Directions (51 - 65): Record your answers in the spaces provided in your answer booklet. Some questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Earth Science. Base your answers to questions 51 through 53 on the data table below, on the graph in your answer booklet, and on your knowledge of Earth science. The data table shows the projected percentages of radioactive isotope X remaining and its disintegration product Z forming over 6.5 billion years. The graph shows the disintegration of radioactive isotope X.
51 On the grid in your answer booklet, construct a line graph by plotting the percentages of disintegration
   product Z forming over 6.5 billion years. Connect all six plots with a line. The percentages of radioactive
   isotope X have already been plotted. [1]


52 Identify radioactive isotope X. [1]

53 Calculate the amount, in grams, of an original 300-gram sample of radioactive isotope X remaining after
   3.9 billion years. [1]

    Base your answers to questions 54 through 57 on the weather map below and on your knowledge of Earth
science. The map shows the location of a low-pressure system over New York State during summer. Isobar values
are recorded in millibars. The darker shading indicates areas of precipitation. Some New York State locations are
54 Describe the change in air pressure that will most likely occur at Rochester by the time that the cold front
   has reached Syracuse. Then describe what will most likely happen to the amount of cloud cover in Rochester
   with this change in air pressure and location of the cold front. [1]

55 The station model below represents the weather conditions at Buffalo, New York, at the time that this map
   was prepared.
In the table in your answer booklet, record the weather data represented on this station model. [1]


56 State the relative humidity at Albany when the air temperature is equal to the dewpoint. [1]

57 Identify the name of the weather instrument used to measure the wind speed at Plattsburgh. [1]

    Base your answers to questions 58 through 61 on the diagram and passage below and on your knowledge of
Earth science. The diagram represents the orbits of Earth, Comet Tempel-Tuttle, and planet X, another planet
in our solar system. Arrows on each orbit represent the direction of movement.
                              Comet Tempel-Tuttle
    Comet Tempel-Tuttle orbits our Sun and is responsible for the Leonid meteor
shower event observed from Earth. This meteor shower occurs every year in November
and is visible in the night sky as Earth passes through the debris left in space by this
comet. The debris from the comet produces meteors that are smaller than a grain of
sand, which enter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up in the mesosphere temperature zone.
Comet Tempel-Tuttle’s orbital distance from the Sun ranges from about 145 million
kilometers at its closest approach to 2900 million kilometers at its farthest distance. Its
two most recent closest approaches to the Sun occurred in 1965 and one revolution
later in 1998.
58 Identify the name of the object located at one of the foci of the elliptical orbit of Comet Tempel-Tuttle. [1]

59 Identify the solar system planet represented by planet X, which orbits near Comet Tempel-Tuttle’s farthest
   distance from the Sun. [1]

60 Determine the year in which Comet Tempel-Tuttle will next make its closest approach to the Sun. [1]

61 Identify the force that causes debris from the comet to fall through Earth’s atmosphere. [1]

   Base your answers to questions 62 through 65 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The diagram represents the apparent path of the Sun across the sky as seen by an observer on Earth’s surface on
June 21. Points A, B, C, and D represent positions of the Sun at different times of the day. The angle of Polaris
above the horizon as seen in the nighttime sky is indicated.
62 Describe the changes in the length of the observer’s shadow as the Sun appears to move from position A to
   position D. [1]

63 Describe one piece of evidence from the diagram that supports the inference that the observer is located at
   the Tropic of Cancer. [1]

64 State the number of daylight hours at this location on September 23. [1]

65 The Sun’s apparent movement through the sky is caused by Earth’s rotation. Identify the device that was
   used to first demonstrate that Earth rotates. [1]

Part C
Answer all questions in this part.
Directions (66 - 85): Record your answers in the spaces provided in your answer booklet. Some questions may require the use of the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Earth Science. Base your answers to questions 66 through 68 on the models below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The models represent cutaway views of four planets in our solar system, showing their inferred interior struc- tures. Each planet is shown in relation to the size of Earth.
66 Determine how many times larger Jupiter’s equatorial diameter is, compared to Earth’s equatorial diameter.

67 Explain why Jupiter appears brighter in the night sky than Mercury, despite Jupiter’s greater distance from
   Earth. [1]

68 Identify two terrestrial planets shown in the models. Explain why they are considered terrestrial planets. [1]

    Base your answers to questions 69 through 72 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The diagram represents several streams converging and eventually flowing into a lake. Points X and Y indicate
locations on either side of a meander in the stream. Points A and B indicate locations in the streams where the
stream discharge was measured in cubic meters per second. The circled region labeled C represents a depositional
69 Identify the name of the depositional feature labeled C.   [1]

70 In the box in your answer booklet, draw a cross-sectional view of the general shape of the stream bottom
   from point X to point Y. [1]


71 Describe how the size and shape of sediments will most likely change as they are transported downstream.


72 The stream velocity at location A is 100 centimeters per second, and the stream velocity at location B is
   10 centimeters per second. Identify one possible particle diameter that would most likely be deposited
   between points A and B. [1]

    Base your answers to questions 73 through 76 on the map and graphs below and on your knowledge of Earth
science. The map shows the locations of two cities, Hastings, Nebraska, and Riverhead, New York. The graphs
show average monthly air temperatures for Hastings and Riverhead.
73 Explain why Hastings has a greater annual temperature range than Riverhead. [1]

74 Explain why the angle of insolation at both locations is approximately the same at solar noon on any given
   day. [1]

75 Identify the planetary wind belt that primarily influences the climates of both Hastings and Riverhead. [1]

76 Name the ocean current that most likely has the greatest effect on the climate of Riverhead. [1]

    Base your answers to questions 77 through 80 on the block diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth
science. The block diagram represents a region of sedimentary rock that has been intruded by magma, which has
since solidified. Points X and Y identify locations at the boundary between the igneous intrusion and surrounding
sedimentary rock layers. Letters A and B represent specific rock units. Letter C represents rock formed from the
lava flow of the nearby volcano. The rock layers have not been overturned.
77 Identify two processes that formed the sedimentary rock layers represented in the diagram. [1]

78 Describe one piece of evidence shown in the diagram that indicates that rock unit A is younger than
   rock unit B. [1]

79 Explain why the igneous rock that formed at location C is composed of crystals less than 1 millimeter in size.

80 State the names of two different metamorphic rocks that are most likely found in the zone of contact
   metamorphism at locations X and Y. [1]

   Base your answers to questions 81 through 85 on the passage and map below, the field map in your answer
booklet, and on your knowledge of Earth science. The map shows the location of Crater Lake in Oregon in the
western United States. The field map shows lake depths and some isolines in Crater Lake recorded in meters.
Line AB and line CD are reference lines. Letter X represents a location on the lake bottom.
                                                  Crater Lake
                   Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States. The lake formed in the crater at
              the top of volcanic Mount Mazama after it exploded in a violent eruption approximately
              7700 years ago. The rim of the crater is approximately 2300 meters (7500 feet) above sea
              level and is mostly composed of the rock andesite. The average yearly air temperature at
              the lake is 38°F, and snowfall often occurs from October through June. Hydrothermal
              activity (heating of the water) is ongoing under the lake, indicating that this region is
              still volcanically active.
81 On the field map in your answer booklet, draw the 500-meter depth isoline. [1]

82 On the grid in your answer booklet, construct a profile along line AB by plotting the lake depth of each
   isoline that crosses line AB. Connect all plots with a line to complete the profile. [1]


83 Determine the gradient, in meters per kilometer, between points C and D. [1]

84 Determine one possible depth, in meters, of Crater Lake at location X. [1]

85 Line YZ on the diagram below represents the mineral composition of an andesitic rock taken from the
   bottom of Crater Lake.
Identify the percent by volume of each of the three minerals in this andesitic rock. [1]

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