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From: syvumReply 1 of 7Reply         View replies (1)
Subject: Analysis of Issue Essay Topic 7 - value of nation measured by scientific & a...
   Discuss this issue with other Syvum members in this forum.  Feel free to
   post your own points or your essays here for the benefit of others, or to
   receive feedback.

Posted at: Wed Jun 2 02:58:16 2004 (GMT)

From: reader_regularReply 2 of 7Reply         View replies (1)
Subject: My views
   To say that one nation is comparitively better as compared to another nation
   only based on the artistic and scientific accomplishments is a misguided
   conception of the bigger picture.
   A nation is an amalgamation of various achievements of society including
   arts, science and economic prowness. Without one the other cannot sustain
   long term growth and improvement of a nation. Take for example the Nazi
   Germany, scientific achievements made by the Nazi's during the years
   1930-1945 surpasses some of the greatest achievements of all times. Yet
   since these achievment where not in the context of furthering prosperity and
   progress, the nation fell to the alies. Had the motivation of the scientific
   achivements been for the betterment of the Germany society, in both artisitc
   and economic speheres, Germany would have been a different nation today.
   On the contrary, it’s the economic success which will provide the
   resources and support needed to bring out creativity and discovery in the
   citizens of the nation. Can a painter or sculptor surive only on his
   artistic achievment in a nation where earning minimum wage is a challenge?
   Well the obvious answere is no, the scultpor will be forced to comprimise
   his talent and earn a living by other means since the citizens of the nation
   do not have the capacity to pay for his creativity.
   Another example which comes to mind is India. India is said to have one of
   the most competent scientific minds; along with the fact that India is the
   backyard of various	cultures rich in artistic expressions. Yet the nation
   has been at the fringe of Global development till the late 1990's, when it
   opened its market to the global community, and over the years has seen
   spectacular economic growth. 
   Hence, all elements have to be taken under consideration for evaluating the
   value of a nation. Growth and development in only one sphere would not
   provide long term sustainence for the society and hence for the nation.

Posted at: Fri Aug 25 01:39:43 2006 (GMT)

From: jonnysnakesReply 3 of 7Reply
Subject: Re: My views
   Out of curiosity, what was your AWA score on the GMAT?  I don't see this
   essay getting a 6.  
   I've taken the GMAT several times in my quest to score an 800.  I haven't
   reached that goal yet, but I'm almost there.  In any case, I've gotten a 6.0
   on my AWA every time, and guess what folks, its not that hard. But it seems
   as though some people here are missing the bigger picture and instead are
   attempting to create a literary masterpiece or demonstrate their mastery of
   penmanship.	And I see the same people scoring 4.5 or below every GMAT test
   they take.
   Don't be creative!!!!  Be concise, insightful, and BALANCED.
   The questions they are asking are relatively straightforward, and you are
   expected to create an ARGUMENT for or against an idea.  The human reader
   will spend only 2 minutes reading your essay, so the more creative you get,
   the longer it'll take him to understand your point.	And after reading 100
   essays in the last 4 hours with 200 more to go, how do you think he'll
   reward you for making him take the extra three minutes and grasp your
   literary genius and "bask" in your creativity?
   I hope you get my drift...
   My suggestions...
   Start your essays by saying:
   I agree with the statement... or I disagree with the statement.  Yes, its
   simple, and not original.  Rather, very plain and boring.  But guess what,
   you're trying to convey a point, not make the New York Times.  I've used the
   same intro for each of my essays, and getting a 6.0 has never been easier.
   Also, explore arguments contrary to the position you are taking, and how
   they may "seem" correct.  Then refute those arguments with evidence or
   annecdotes.	If you only argue one viewpoint, your argument will lack
   balance, and it'll convey to the reader that you lack true analytical
   skills.  You are going to business school, and business leaders need to be
   analytical -- which means considering ALL alternatives.  Address the
   alternatives contrary to your own, then negate them.  Do this, and the 6.0
   is yours.
   Guys, getting a 6.0 on your AWA is VERY EASY.  Trust me, I've spent
   literally less than 15 minutes on each essay, and have gotten a perfect
   score EVERY TIME.
   Remember, don't be creative or attempt to WOW the readers with your literary
   style. This is a 30 minute essay.  You aren't expected to create a
   masterpiece, and the human reader, who by now has probably read over a
   hundred other essays in a 3 hour period, isn't prepared to decipher the
   works of the next Shakespear either.
   Be concise. Keep it simple, and DON'T BE CREATIVE.  Save the creativity for
   your applications!!!  Good luck on getting that perfect score!
   > To say that one nation is comparitively better as compared to another
   > nation only based on the artistic and scientific accomplishments is a
   > misguided conception of the bigger picture.
   > A nation is an amalgamation of various achievements of society including
   > arts, science and economic prowness. Without one the other cannot sustain
   > long term growth and improvement of a nation. Take for example the Nazi
   > Germany, scientific achievements made by the Nazi's during the years
   > 1930-1945 surpasses some of the greatest achievements of all times. Yet
   > since these achievment where not in the context of furthering prosperity
   > and progress, the nation fell to the alies. Had the motivation of the
   > scientific achivements been for the betterment of the Germany society, in
   > both artisitc and economic speheres, Germany would have been a different
   > nation today.
   > On the contrary, it’s the economic success which will provide the
   > resources and support needed to bring out creativity and discovery in the
   > citizens of the nation. Can a painter or sculptor surive only on his
   > artistic achievment in a nation where earning minimum wage is a
   > challenge? Well the obvious answere is no, the scultpor will be forced to
   > comprimise his talent and earn a living by other means since the citizens
   > of the nation do not have the capacity to pay for his creativity.
   > Another example which comes to mind is India. India is said to have one
   > of the most competent scientific minds; along with the fact that India is
   > the backyard of various  cultures rich in artistic expressions. Yet the
   > nation has been at the fringe of Global development till the late 1990's,
   > when it opened its market to the global community, and over the years has
   > seen spectacular economic growth. 
   > Hence, all elements have to be taken under consideration for evaluating
   > the value of a nation. Growth and development in only one sphere would
   > not provide long term sustainence for the society and hence for the
   > nation.

Posted at: Mon Oct 2 02:57:00 2006 (GMT)

From: debashishReply 4 of 7Reply
Subject: Re: Analysis of Issue Essay Topic 7 - value of nation measured by scientific &
   I disagree with the statement above. Art and science are important to a
   country but business is even more important. There has to be a balance in
   these to maintain a healthy society.
   Art plays an important role in society. It gives freedom to thought process
   of individuals. It is the focal point of society. If we scan the history we
   can guess the state of society by judging the art of that era. Art is
   nothing but creativity and every society should nurture it. A country, where
   there is not much encouragement to art, is definitely missing a lot in terms
   of healthy society. Art can be diverse in terms of manifestation and taste.
   Performing art entertain people and visual art give new prospective to the
   way we look the world. World and society always looks different from
   artist’s eye. Literature can keep us glued to reality at one end and
   elevate us to the zenith of imagination at other. The power of art can never
   be ignored.
   Science is the building block of society. In day-to-day life we apply
   science knowingly or unknowingly at every step. Anything we touch is an
   application of science. From humble bulb in our houses to the car we drive
   to office everything is driven by science. Without proper scientific
   research we can’t survive in future. Cutting edge medical research has
   kept us fit and healthy. Research in molecular biology has opened up new
   vistas for us. Space science is being applied to day-to-day life to make it
   more comfortable. We can’t just tick-off the importance of scientific
   progress to the progress of a nation.
   Well, we can’t ignore business progress as well. Art and science has to
   deliver value at the end of the day in some way and there comes business.
   Converting an idea to a viable business is in itself an art. Research in any
   field consumes time and resource. The incubation period can to be very high.
   A simple medicine takes years to travel from laboratory to chemist’s shop.
   And to keep these researches viable we need money and it comes from
   business. Without proper funding art and science might not be able to
   survive for long. Economic progress is very vital to society. Unless general
   public is properly fed and looked after, creativity is difficult to come. In
   desperation human can rub another human, but can’t write a master piece. 
   The best example in this direction is USA. It has been the breeding ground
   for art for many decades. It’s the breeding ground for science as well.
   Every year, majority of Noble prize winners in the field of science are from
   USA. Most of these scientists belong to universities which are funded by
   government or private companies. Art is highly visible in USA and it has
   been possible because of government support and funding. In almost all the
   cities across US, we can find score of museums, art houses etcetera. And
   there is no doubt that US is numero-uno in business. It’s the wealthiest
   country. Government funding actually comes from general public and business
   in the form of tax. Without a sustaining economy government or private body
   can’t support the art and science.
   So to summarize it, art and science are important to country beyond any
   doubt. But at the same time economic progress is even more important as it
   supports the art and scientific endeavors.

Posted at: Tue Jul 24 00:32:02 2007 (GMT)

From: pandeysReply 5 of 7Reply
Subject: A nation should be valued primarily on the basis of its artistic and scientific
	I disagree with the statement that a nation should be valued primarily
   on the basis of its artistic and scientific progress rather than business
   and economic progress. 
   In my opinion the term “value of a nation" refers to the ability of a
   nation to safeguard its citizens and provide them equal and equitable
   opportunities for development while ensuring a certain standard of living.
   In this perspective it is business and economic progress of a country which
   is more important than artistic and scientific progress.
   History tells us that cultural and scientific progress takes place only in
   stable and economically developed societies. For example, most of the
   scientific innovations have taken place in economically developed nations.
   I agree that scientific and cultural progress is important for a nation.
   For, scientific progress catalyses, and sometimes revolutionizes, the
   economic development. But the experience of third worlds countries in using
   the technology shows that a minimum level of economic progress is
   prerequisite for using technology.
   Also, there is no point in creating art masterpieces if half of the
   population of a nation is suffering from poverty and hunger. It is only
   meaningful if a nation provides a basic standard of living.

Posted at: Wed Aug 8 03:02:03 2007 (GMT)

From: sibojyotiReply 6 of 7Reply
Subject: Please review
   A nation should be valued primarily on the basis of its artistic and
   scientific accomplishments rather than its business and economic progress. 
   Discuss whether you agree or disagree (partially or totally) with the view
   expressed providing reasons and examples. 
   Many people feel that art and science form the identity of a state. To some
   exent its true but at the same time bussiness and economc prowess shapes a
   nation. It would be rather fit to draw synonym with a paiting which is
   incomplete with only the skeches its complete when colours are filled to it
   which lends to it vividity. Thus both are sides of the same coin it just a
   matter of perception as to which one plays a more vital role.
   Art and science are basically a parameter for the ingenuity of a work.Famous
   guys like Leonardo Da Vinci ,Galileo, Edison , Raphel and Michael Angelo ,to
   name a few ,were pioneers in their own field. They revolutionised the
   thinking of their people with their work of art. Artistic and scientific
   accomplishments like these trasfrom a nation in term of intellectual
   At the same time a nation cant survive on intellectual brilliance alone.
   Infact more than intellectual aura ,a nation is more concenred about its
   people being well fed. For this to happen a country needs to have a thriving
   economy. A person cant be an intellectual superstar if he sleeps half fed.
   In the nutshell both factors go hand in hand. 
   A country void of bussiness activities cant grow on its scientific and
   artistic platform .Its for a simple reason because anarchy prevails in such
   regions and art and culture needs a stable bed to survive. There are
   exception to these rules though (Rennaisance in Europe which brought
   significant development in science and art during those black day) but these
   exception dont make rules.
   Thus when a nation is evaluated it should be on both front:artistic and
   economic. A automobile for example runs when it Engine as well as it wheels
   are in order.We cant judge a car by the performance of its Engine or its
   wheels alone. The very same logic applies to a nation as well. 

Posted at: Wed Apr 30 09:26:26 2008 (GMT)

From: exhaleReply 7 of 7Reply
Subject: Art & Science Vs Business
   I disagree with the statement and strongly that the value of a nation is 
   gauged through its business & commerce. Business creates wealth & employment
   for the nation, It is the lifeblood of the nation. Nations with strong
   business are far more developed & prosperous than countries with weak
   business cultures. Business also creates strong brands which gain global
   popularity. Often these brands are synonymous with the countries of their
   origin. For example, what Toyota & Sony are identified as a Japanese brand,
   Ford & Kellogs are identified as American. All these super brands have
   bought immense value for its nations. Although one can argue that arts &
   sciences have contributed to the success of these brands, it is most
   pertinent that it is the patronage of these corporations which allowed for
   these pursuits. 
   Artistic or scientific pursuits definitely bring value to the society but
   its importance in the national context is far outweighed by the value
   generated by business. 
   I would like to the the example of Dell Corporation, which has leveraged
   Science in the form of IT , to become a leading company in the world. Dell
   has bought computers to people at very affordable prices. This has added a
   lot of value to the society & the nation. One could argue that it the
   processors & the Rams which have done so, but left to their own devices in
   someone's garage, they would've been quite useless. It was the quest for
   wealth, that made Michael Dell to sell them & make a business empire out of
   it, which today employs thousands of people. 
   Arts & sciences are very important in the growth of a nation. They are the
   milestones of human civilization, however business is civilizations
   lifeblood & is of far greater importance.

Posted at: Sat Aug 9 08:35:21 2008 (GMT)

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