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Free Software Downloads from Syvum

The following are legacy products from Syvum. These have been replaced by the online versions of the activities and learning material directly accessible from our web site, which you may try starting from our home page.

Release Date Software Title
20 December 2002 Syvum Browser Version 2.0
Description: The Syvum Browser has been designed specifically for obtaining and viewing SyvumBooks, which provide an interactive and dynamic environment for learning. You can read more, or go directly to the downloading instructions.
8 May 2001 SyvumClickTM for Internet Explorer
Description: A great add-on for your Internet Explorer to allow you to perform meaning lookups and translations of text by simply highlighting (selecting/marking) it.
24 August 1999 Kids English and Math SyvumBook Demo
Description: The Kids SyvumBook Series is an excellent learning aid for kids in the age group of 6 to 12. The demo contains the Math and English SyvumBooks. Read details. View Screen Shots. Awards and Reviews. This demo has been replaced by the new Syvum Browser installer (above) which contains a sample of the products in this series.

Why are Syvum products good for your child?

Computers shatter all inhibition in kids, and allow them to be creative, to take risks in a way that surpasses even the most friendly and positive environment. This expands your kids' horizons and allows them to learn -- from things they do right, but more importantly, from things they do wrong. SyvumBooks are highly interactive, and the changing content constantly presents children with new challenges, invariably resulting in a great amount of learning, while they have fun doing it. Go ahead, try one of our demos, and we are confident that you will come back to purchase the full version.

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